Statistics Seminar - 10/31/24
Dr. Lixia Yao, CEO of Polygon Health Analytics, Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Health Services Administration and Policy at Temple University, Fellow of the American Medical Informatics Association (FAMIA)
Decoding the Mysteries of Health Economics and Outcomes Research and Real-World Data: An Industry Insider's View
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 10/24/24
Dr. Christian Genest, Canada Research Chair and Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Elected Member of ISI, Fellow of ASA, IMS, RSC, and Fields Institute
A latent-vine factor-copula time series model for extreme flood insurance losses
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Murray/Ollivier Address - 10/23/24
Dr. Christian Genest, Canada Research Chair and Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University, Elected Member of ISI, Fellow of ASA, IMS, RSC, and Fields Institute
The Birth of the Probability Calculus
Time: -
Location: Hand Lab 1144
Statistics PhD Defense - 10/17/24
Ms. Sakie Arachchige
Survival Analysis in the Presence of Independent or Dependent Censoring
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Statistics PhD Defense - 10/16/24
Ms. Shelby Dudgeon
Anomaly Detection with Extreme Value and Uncertainty Considerations
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Statistics Seminar - 09/19/24
Dr. John Stasko, Regents’ Professor in the School of Interactive Computing in the College of Computing, Georgia Tech, Fellow of IEEE and ACM
Reflections on the Value of Visualization
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Statistics Seminar - 08/29/24
Dr. Jin Lu, Assistant Professor, School of Computing, University of Georgia
Harnessing Provable Algorithms for Machine Learning in the Wild: Mobilizing, transferring, and Adaptive Morphing
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Mathematics Seminar - 04/25/24
Dr. Xiangsheng Xu, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
Large data existence of global-in-time strong solutions to the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations in high space dimensions
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Murray/Ollivier Address (re-scheduled, date TBA)
Dr. Jeff Wu, Coca-Cola Chair in Engineering Statistics and Professor in the H. Milton School of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech, Member of National Academy of Engineering, Academician of Academia Sinica, Fellow of IMS and ASA
From real world problems to esoteric research: examples and personal experience
Location: TBA
Mathematics Seminar 04/18/24
Dr. Qingguang Guan, Assistant Professor, University of Southern Mississippi
“Weak Galerkin Method with General-Shape Elements for Second-Order Problems
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 04/18/24
Dr. Xinyuan Chen, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Mississippi State University
Principal stratification with U-statistics under principal ignorability
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Statistics Seminar - 04/09/24
Dr. Subodh Selukar, Instructor, Research Track, Department of Biostatistics, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN
Accounting for chronic Graft-versus-Host disease status when evaluating success in pediatric studies of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Mathematics Seminar - 04/04/24
Dr. Chris Eldred, Sandia National Laboratories
Recent progress in discrete exterior calculus for fluids
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Statistics Seminar - 03/28/24
Dr. Prakash Patil, Professor of Statistics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mississippi State University
Semiparametric density estimation
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Mathematics Seminar - 03/07/24
Dr. Pavel Kraikivski, Collegiate Associate Professor, Division of Systems Biology, Virginia Tech
Modeling Cell Cycle: from Current Approaches to Future Algorithms
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Mathematics Seminar - 02/29/24
Dr. Vu Thai Luan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
Rooted trees, B-series and their applications to numerical methods
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Statistics Seminar - 02/27/24
Dr. Wenxuan Zhong, Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Georgia, Fellow of ASA
Med-Reader: A query-based multisource AI learner of medical publications
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Statistics Seminar - 02/22/24
Dr. Robert Krafty, Rollins Professor of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics and Chair, Department of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics, Emory University, Fellow of ASA
Dynamic Variability Analysis of Self-Reported Data from Mobile Devices
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Statistics Seminar - 02/08/24
Dr. Matt Hayat, Professor of Biostatistics and Chair, Department of Population Health Sciences, Georgia State University, Fellow of ASA
What do health sciences faculty know about statistics?
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Mathematics Seminar 11/16/23
Dr. Seongjai Kim, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
The Reverse-Transition Weighting Filter for Effective Edge Detection for Noisy Color Images
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Statistics Seminar - 11/16/23
Dr. Roberto Molinari, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University
SWAG: A Sparse Wrapper Algorithm for Multi-Model Inference
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Mathematics Seminar 11/9/23
Dr. Vaidy Sivaraman, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Statistics Seminar - 10/26/23
Dr. Ramanathan T.V., Professor, Department of Statistics and Centre for Advanced Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University (Formerly University of Pune)
‘Focused’ Model Selection for Dependent Data
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Mathematics Seminar 10/19/23
Dr. Vo Anh Khoa, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Florida A&M University
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Statistics Seminar - 10/10/23
Philip Berg, Postdoctoral Researcher, IGBB, Mississippi State University
Baldur: Bayesian hierarchical modeling for label-free proteomics exploiting gamma dependent mean-variance trends
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Math Seminar 10/05/23
Dr. Hoang Si Nguyen, Associate Professor, Department of Computing and Mathematics, University of West Georgia
Generalized explicit pseudo two-step Runge-Kutta-Nystrom methods for solving second-order initial value problems
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Statistics Seminar - 9/21/23
Dr. Keren Li, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Big Data, Distributed Learning, and Representative
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Mathematics Seminar 09/14/23
Huy Q. Pham
Numerical approximation of solution of stochastic Allen-Cahn equation
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Statistics Seminar - 8/31/23
Dr. Volodymyr Melnykov, Professor of Applied Statistics, Department of Information Systems, Statistics, & Management Science, University of Alabama
Applications of finite mixture modeling in stylometry
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Mathematics Colloquium 04/28/23
John C. Butcher, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, The University of Auckland
Trees, Runge-Kutta methods and B-series
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 04/27/23
Dr. Yichuan Zhao, Professor of Statistics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Georgia State University; Fellow of ASA
Novel Empirical Likelihood Inference for the Mean Difference with Right-Censored Data
Time: -
Location: Allen 17
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 04/21/23
Hoang V. Nguyen, PhD Student, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
Efficient exponential methods for genetic regulatory systems
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 04/20/23
Dr. Lama Ghazi, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
Leveraging EHR data to understand whether we should treat inpatient hypertension
Time: -
Location: Allen 17
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 04/14/23
Dr. Xiangsheng Xu, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
A conjecture by De Giorgi concerning degenerate or singular second order elliptic equations
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 04/11/23
Dr. James Livsey, Principal Researcher, United States Census Bureau's Center for Statistical Research and Methodology
Signal Extraction with Latent Component Models
Time: -
Location: Allen 17
Digital Location:
Mathematics Colloquium 04/06/23
Dr. Thomas Zaslavsky, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Binghamton University, SUNY
Why Color a Graph, and What to Do About It?”
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Mathematics Seminar 03/31/23
Dr. Matt McBride, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
The Quantum Pair of Pants
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 03/28/23
Dr. Michael Grabchak, Professor of Statistics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UNC Charlotte
On Turing’s Formula and the Estimation of the Missing Mass
Time: -
Location: Allen 17
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 03/24/23
Dr. Vaidy Sivaraman, Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
Signed graphs: Balance, frustration and sign-symmetry
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 03/21/23
Dr. Ching-Chi Yang, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, The University of Memphis
Response Surface Methodology for Interval Response
Time: -
Location: Allen 17
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 03/10/23
Dr. Seongjai Kim, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
Three-Step Richardson Extrapolation for Higher-Order Accuracy Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 03/03/23
Dr. Seulip Lee, Limited Term Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Georgia
A low-cost, parameter-free, and pressure-robust enriched Galerkin method for the Stokes equations
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 02/24/23
Dr. Paul Fabel, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSU
How are connected finite topological spaces fundamental to data science?
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Statistics Seminar - 02/07/23
Dr. Yan Yuan, Associate Professor, School of Public Health & Women and Children's Health Research Institute, University of Alberta
Risk Prediction for Premature Menopause in Childhood Cancer Survivors
Time: -
Location: Allen 17
Digital Location:
Mathematics Colloquium 02/03/23
Dr. Kevin Zumbrun, Distinguished Professor, Department of Mathematics, Indiana University Bloomington
Multidimensional stability of hydraulic shock and roll waves and origins of herringbone flow
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 11/18/22
Alhsmy Trky, PhD student, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSU
High-order adaptive exponential Runge-Kutta methods
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 11/11/22
Dr. Sara Calandrini, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Turbulent flows in the ocean: the role of momentum closures
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 11/08/22
Dr. Lynne Seymour, Associate Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, University of Georgia
Atmospheric Features via Topological Data Analysis
Time: -
Location: Allen 15
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 11/04/22
Ahmad Asiri, PhD student, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSU
Sign-symmetric signed graphs and signings of graphs
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 11/01/22
Dr. Chuangchuang Sun, Assistant Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Mississippi State University
Multiagent Reinforcement Learning under Nonstationarity
Time: -
Location: Allen 15
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 10/28/22
Dr. Robert Smith, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSU
Simpson’s Rule
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 10/25/22
Dr. Guangyu Tong, Associate Research Scientist in Biostatistics, Yale University
Design considerations for testing treatment effect heterogeneity in randomized trials with heterogeneous clustering
Time: -
Location: Allen 15
Digital Location:
Mathematics Colloquium 10/21/22
Dr. Janusz Pudykiewicz, Senior Research Scientist, Environment Canada
Time integration methods for Numerical Weather Prediction
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 10/18/22
Dr. Yufeng Zheng, Associate Professor of Data Science, John D. Bower School of Population Health, University of Mississippi Medical Center
Enhancing breast cancer detection with recurrent neural network
Time: -
Location: Allen 15
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 10/11/22
Longjian Liu, MD, PhD, MSc (LSHTM), FAHA, Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Drexel University Dornsife School of Public Health, and Adjunct Associate Research Professor of Medicine at Drexel University College of Medicine
Cardiometabolic Syndrome and Risk of Heart Failure: Time-Varying Effect Modeling and Risk Prediction
Time: -
Location: Allen 15
Digital Location:
Mathematics Colloquium 10/07/22
Prof. Adrian Sandu, Department of Computer Science, Virginia Tech (VT)
Time integration for multiphysics applications
Time: -
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 09/30/22
Dr. Shantia Yarahmadian, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
Mathematical modeling approaches to understand biochemical processes in Alzheimer’s Disease based on the metal hypothesis
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 09/23/22
Dr. Julius Ehigie, Department of Mathematics, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Optimized exponentially-fitted two-derivative DIRK methods for oscillatory differential equations
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Mathematics Colloquium 09/16/22
Prof. Sigal Gottlieb, Fellow of SIAM and AWM, Chancellor Professor of Mathematics University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Developing high order, efficient, and stable time-evolution methods using a time-filtering approach
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 09/13/22
Dr. Alex Flynt, Associate Professor, School of Biological, Environmental, and Earth Sciences, The University of Southern Mississippi
Mining of high-throughput sequencing datasets to Characterize RNAi biogenesis
Time: -
Location: Allen 15
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 09/09/22
Dr. Paul Fabel, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, MSU
Stories from the trenches, the use of calculus, randomness, and other statistical methods in discrete math courses at Mississippi State
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 09/02/22
Dr. Zheng Sun, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa
Strong stability of explicit Runge-Kutta methods for linear semi-negative problems
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Statistics Seminar - 08/23/22
Dr. Xiaoming Huo, A. Russell Chandler III Professor, Stewart School of Industrial & Systems Engineering, Georgia Tech; Fellow of ASA
Two Statistical Results in Deep Learning
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 04/29/22
Dr. Jingmei Qiu, Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delaware
A Conservative Adaptive Low Rank High Order Tensor Approach for Nonlinear Vlasov Equations
Time: -
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 04/22/22
Dr. Vaidy Sivaraman, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
Bicircular matroids and duality
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 04/19/22
Dr. Yiwang Zhou, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
Synergistic Self-Learning Approach to Establishing Individualized Treatment Rules from Multiple Benefit Outcomes in a Calcium Supplementation Trial
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 04/12/22
Dr. Mengmeng (Mike) Dong, Assistant Professor of Finance, School of Business, University of California, Riverside
Unity is strength: Do Aggregated Anomalies Face a Replication Crisis?
Time: -
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 04/8/22
Dr. Seongjai Kim, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
PCA Approaches for Optimal Convolution Kernels in Convolutional Neural Networks
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 04/05/22
Dr. Yisu Jia, Assistant Professor of Statistics, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of North Florida
Latent Gaussian Count Time Series
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 04/1/22
Dr. Seongjai Kim, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
Membership Score Machine for Highly Nonlinear Classification
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 03/31/22
Dr. Yifan Cui, Assistant Professor at Department of Statistics & Data Science, National University of Singapore
Instrumental Variable Approaches To Individualized Treatment Regimes Under A Counterfactual World
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 03/25/22
Leo Rebholz, Professor, Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, Clemson University
Applications of Anderson acceleration to algorithms for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid simulation
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Mathematics Seminar 03/11/22
Dr. Jesse Chan, Assistant Professor, Department of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Rice University.
On the robustness of high order entropy stable discontinuous Galerkin methods
Time: -
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 03/04/22
Dr. Xiangsheng Xu, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, MSU
Existence and incompressible limit of a tissue growth model with autophagy
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 02/25/21
Slawomir Klimek, Professor, School of Science, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Quantum Smooth Moves
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 02/18/22
Zachary Grant, Department of Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE), Michigan State University
Perturbed Runge-Kutta methods for mixed precision applications
Time: -
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 02/11/21
Dr. Vu Thai Luan, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
New classes of multirate time integration methods for multirate differential equations
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar 02/04/22
Van-Hoang Nguyen, Graduate Student, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
An adaptive method for solving stochastic differential equations with discontinuous drift
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar - 11/19/21
David Shirokoff, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology
Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) Stability and Applications to the Dispersive Shallow Water Equations
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar - 11/12/21
Seongjai Kim, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
Mathematics of Digital Image Interpolation
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 11/9/21
Mr. Mark Nielsen, Mr. Raymond McCubrey, Ms. Peilin Chen at Enterprise AI and Data Science Center of Excellence at Intermountain Healthcare
AI and Data Science at Intermountain Healthcare
Time: -
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar - 11/5/21
James V. Lambers, Professor, School of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Southern Mississippi.
A Crash Course on Matrices, Moments and Quadrature
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar - 10/29/21
Brock C. Price, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
Global existence of a strong solution to a fourth-order exponential PDE modeling crystal surface growth with metropolis-type rates
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar - 10/22/21
Dr. Vu Thai Luan, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
An Introduction to Numerical Approximation of Differential Equations
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 10/19/21
Dr. Jun Li, Associate Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University
Change-point detection from high-dimensional online data
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar - 10/15/21
Dr. Vaidyanathan Sivaraman, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 10/12/21
Dr. Qingning Zhou, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UNC Charlotte
Semiparametric regression analysis of partly interval-censored failure time data with application to an AIDS clinical trial
Time: -
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar - 10/01/21
Dr. Matt McBride, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, Mississippi State University
Bounded and Unbounded Derivations on C*-algebras
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Mathematics Seminar - 09/24/21
Dr. Amanda Diegel, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mississippi State University
Phase Field Crystal Models and Data Assimilation of the Cahn-Hilliard Equation
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 9/14/21
Dr. Xinyuan Chen, Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Mississippi State University
Competing Risks Regression for Clustered Data via the Marginal Additive Subdistribution Hazard Model
Time: -
Location: Allen 14
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 8/24/21
Dr. Sam Efromovich, Endowed Professor at UTDallas, Fellow of IMS and ASA
Missing and Modified Data in Nonparametric Statistics
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 03/30/21
Dr. Andrew Wood, Australian National University, Canberra
Scaled von Mises-Fisher distributions
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 03/23/21
Dr. Guanqun Cao, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Auburn University
Estimation of the Mean Function of Functional Data via Deep Neural Networks
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 03/09/21
Dr. Fei Heng, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of North Florida
Analysis of the Time-Varying Cox Model for Cause-Specific Hazard Functions with Missing Causes
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 02/16/21
Dr. Dimitrios Bagkavos, Department of Mathematics, University of Ioannina
Fixed design local polynomial smoothing and bandwidth selection for right censored data
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 01/29/21
Jairo Diaz-Rodriguez, Mathematics and Statistics Department, Universidad del Norte
Thresholding estimators for high dimensional data with applications in hypothesis testing, inverse problems and neural networks
Time: -
Statistics Seminar - 01/27/21
Xinyuan (Eric) Chen, Department of Statistics and Data Science, Yale University
Variational Bayesian Analysis of Nonhomogeneous Hidden Markov Models with Long and Ultra-long Sequences
Time: -
Statistics Seminar - 01/25/21
Biao Cai, Management Science Department, University of Miami
Latent Network Structure Learning from High Dimensional Multivariate Point Processes
Time: -
Statistics Seminar - 01/12/21
Dr. Eunchun Park, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University
How to Use Yield Monitor Data to Determine Nitrogen Recommendations: Bayesian Kriging for Site-Specific Parameter Estimates
Time: -
Digital Location:
Statistics Seminar - 10/27/20
Dr. Xiaofei Li, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Webex
Statistics Seminar - 10/20/20
Dr. Soumendra Lahiri, Department of Statistics, North Carolina State University
Time: -
Location: Webex
Statistics Seminar - 10/13/20
Dr. Michael Robbins, Statistician, RAND Corporation
Time: -
Location: Webex:
Statistics Seminar - 09/01/20
Dr. Yinghao Pan, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Time: -
Location: Webex:
Mathematics Seminar – 03/06/20
Dr. Konstantin Pieper, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
Statistics Seminar – 03/03/20
Dr. Wenmeng Tian, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 14
Mathematics Seminar - 02/28/20
Dr. Thai Haong Le, University of Mississippi
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
Statistics Seminar - 02/25/20
Dr. Haifeng Wang, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 14
Mathematics Seminar - 02/21/20
Dr. Matt McBride, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
Mathematics Seminar - 02/07/20
Dr. Seongjai Kim, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
Mathematics Seminar - 01/31/20
Dr. Paul Fabel, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
Statistics Seminar - 01/21/20
Dr. Jialin Zhang, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 14
Mathematics Seminar - 01/17/20
Dr. Scott Kaschner, Butler University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
Mathematics Seminar - 01/10/20
Dr. Robert Kantrowitz, Hamilton College
Location: Allen Hall 411
CAM Seminar - 11/22/19
Dr. Ratnasingham Shivaji, University of North Carolina
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
CAM Seminar - 10/25/19
Dr. Daniel Reynolds, Southern Methodist University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
CAM Seminar - 10/18/19
Dr. Vu Thai Luan, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
Statistics Seminar - 10/15/19
Dr. CHI-YANG CHIU, Preventive Medicine, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Time: -
Location: Allen 411
Statistics Seminar - 10/01/19
Dr. Xin Dang, Department of Mathematics
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
CAM Seminar - 04/11/19
Dr. Lili Ju, Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
CAM Seminar – 03/28/19
Dr. Amy Dapper, Department of Biological Sciences, Mississippi State University
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
CAM Seminar - 03/21/19
Mr. Vishal Patil, Department of Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
Statistics Seminar - 03/19/19
Dr. Frazier Bindele, Mathematics and Statistics
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
CAM Seminar - 02/21/19
Dr. Longfei Li, Department of Mathematics, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411
CAM Seminar - 02/07/19
Dr. Yi Zhang, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Time: -
Location: Allen Hall 411