
Dr. Michelle Zhou Receives Dean’s Eminent Scholar Award


Dr. Michelle Zhou, Associate Professor of Statistics, has been selected as the recipient of the Dean’s Eminent Scholar Award in the Natural and Physical Sciences and Mathematics category. Please join us in congratulating her on this achievement!

Department of Mathematics and Statistics Hosted the 2024 Murray/Ollivier Address with Renowned Statistician Dr. Christian Genest


Dr. Christian Genest, Canada Research Chair and Professor at McGill University, delivers his lecture titled 'The Birth of the Probability Calculus' during the 2024 Murray/Ollivier Address.   Dr. Rick Travis, Dean of the College of Arts…

Congratulations to Mr. Kwabena Boateng on the Successful Defense of His PhD Thesis


Congratulations to Mr. Kwabena Boateng on successfully defending his PhD thesis titled, "Advances in cluster detection via order statistics, renewal process and model selection methods with applications to financial forensic statistics," under the…

Congratulations to Mrs. Sakie Jaladha Arachchige on the Successful Defense of Her PhD Thesis


Congratulations to Mrs. Sakie Jaladha Arachchige on successfully defending her PhD thesis titled, "Survival Analysis in the Presence of Independent or Dependent Censoring," under the supervision of Dr. Michelle Zhou, on October 17, 2024. This…

Congratulations to Mrs. Shelby Dudgeon on the Successful Defense of Her PhD Thesis


Congratulations to Mrs. Shelby Dudgeon on successfully defending her PhD thesis titled, "Anomaly Detection with Extreme Value and Uncertainty Considerations," under the supervision of Dr. Jon Woody, on October 16, 2024. This is a milestone…

Dr. Mohammad Sepehrifar receives NSF grant award


Mississippi State University faculty members are leading a statewide effort to advance science, technology, engineering and mathematics education in rural school districts with the support of a $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation…

Dr. Xinyuan Chen receives an NIH award


Dr. Xinyuan Chen has received a five-year NIH award entitled "Advancing the design, analysis, and interpretation of acute respiratory distress syndrome trials using modern statistical tools" in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania. This…

Dr. Vu Thai Luan was featured in MSU's Newsroom, July 2023


Dr. Vu Thai Luan was recently featured in the July 2023 edition of Newsroom's MSU. The article highlighted his achievement of receiving his second National Science Foundation (NSF) grant and his research work in using NSF funding into environmental…

Dr. Jingyi (Catherine) Shi receives a Mississippi INBRE award


Dr. Jingyi (Catherine) Shi, an assistant professor of statistics in our department, has received a Mississippi INBRE award (NIH/NIGMS) in collaboration with the University of Southern Mississippi. This five-year award recognizes her expertise in…

Dr. Vu Thai Luan receives his second NSF award


This summer Dr. Luan earned a new three-year NSF award entitled "Innovative Time Integrators for Stiff and Highly Oscillatory Systems". This is his second NSF award since he joined MSU as an assistant professor in Fall 2019. NSF has released…

MSU Graduate School recognizes Sakie J. Arachchige as the new 3MT Grand Champion


MSU Graduate School recognizes three minute (3MT) thesis winners. Among them,  Sakie Jaladha Arachchige, a mathematics and statistics doctoral student in MSU’s College of Arts and Sciences, was chosen as the new 3MT Grand Champion for her…

Dr. Qian (Michelle) Zhou Recipient of a Three-year NSF Award


Dr. Qian (Michelle) Zhou is the recipient of a three-year NSF award entitled "Copula-based Methods for Multivariate Survival Analysis." The aim of her research is to develop new statistical methods to analyze multivariate survival data. This project…

The 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods and Applications in Engineering, May 7-8, 2022


The Department of Mathematics and Statistics will be hosting the 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods and Applications in Engineering (ICCMAE) on May 7-8, 2022, which will be held in a hybrid format (in-person + virtually…

Amber Robinson Received the 2022 College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Award


Amber Robinson was awarded the 2022 College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Award. Congratulations to Amber! Link:

Dr. Amanda E. Diegel Recipient of Three-year NSF Award


Dr. Amanda E. Diegel is the recipient of a three-year NSF award entitled "Collaborative Research: Numerical Methods and Adaptive Algorithms for Sixth-Order Phase Field Models”. The aim of her research is to develop new computational methods to…

Amber Robinson Received the 2021 Donald Zacharias Early Career Teaching Excellence Award


Amber Robinson was awarded the 2021 Donald Zacharias Early Career Teaching Excellence Award. This is one of the prestigious Teaching Awards offered by Mississippi State University. Congratulations to Amber! Link: https://www.msstate.…

Dr. Vaidy Sivaraman recipient of Strategic Research Initiative Award


Dr. Vaidy Sivaraman has been awarded funding by the Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) of the College of Arts and Sciences for his project titled "Pure meets applied: Graph theory in network science". A description of the project follows. The…

Dr. Catherine Shi recipient of Strategic Research Initiative Award


Dr. Catherine Shi has been awarded funding by the Strategic Research Initiative (SRI) of the College of Arts and Sciences for her project titled "Developing Automatic Pipelines and Algorithms to Enable Rapid Learning of COVID-19 Publications".…

Leigh Beckman and Jon Woody Win Outstanding Professor Award


This semester (Fall 2020), the Dean’s Office recognized faculty members who went above and beyond to help students during this challenging semester. Leigh Beckman and Jon Woody were two of the most notable faculty members in the College of Arts…

Dr. Vu Thai Luan Recipient of a Three-year NSF Award


Dr. Vu Thai Luan is the recipient of a three-year NSF award entitled "New Advanced Time Integration Methods for Multiphysics Systems and Applications”. The aim of his research is to develop new fast and accurate exponential and multirate time…

Jacob Tschume Awarded 2020 College Teaching Award


Each year, the College of Arts and Sciences gives out annual teaching awards for outstanding teaching service across three different disciplines. Jacob Tschume was awarded the 2020 College of Arts and Sciences Teaching Award in Natural and…

Dr. Hyeona Lim Received NSBE Honor


Dr. Hyeona Lim was recognized by the MSU Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) as an outstanding faculty member for 2018. For more information, please visit

Robert Banik Received Grisham Teaching Award


Robert Banik today was awarded the prestigious Grisham Teaching Award, which is the most prestigious teaching award at Mississippi State University. Congratulations to Robert! Link:…

Dr. Mohsen Razzaghi Recognized Giles Distinguished Professor


Dr. Mohsen Razzaghi is MSU’s newest William L. Giles Distinguished Professor. Based on distinguished scholarship demonstrated by a record of outstanding performance in research, teaching and service, the Giles honor is conferred on faculty members…

Math Department leads in the State in Mathematical Sciences Research


In a recently released report released report from the National Science Foundation (NSF) survey, research in mathematical sciences leads in the State of Mississippi. In addition, mathematics is one of the six disciplines in the university improved…

Math Students Participate Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics


Mathematics major students Ms. Cailin Sims (sophomore), Elizabeth Bowman (junior), and Taylor Ward (junior) are accepted to the Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics to be held January 25-27, 2019. The conference will gather…

Professor Chi-Wang Shu presents Murray/Ollivier address


Dr. Chi-Wang Shu, Professor of Applied Mathematics at Brown University, gave the Murray/Ollivier address of 2018 in Mathematics at Mississippi State University. His address surveys recent development in high order numerical methods for…

In Memoriam - Instructor Nancy King


In Memoriam – A Legacy of Teaching, Nancy Higdon King (1953-2018) Nancy Higdon King, an instructor of 28 years in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, passed away Monday, August 13. She was 65 years of age. “Mrs. King has worked in the…

Elizabeth Miller Received Donald W. Zacharias Distinguished Staff Award


Ms. Elizabeth Miller received the 2018 Donald W. Zacharias Distinguished Staff Award. Earlier this year, Elizabeth also received the 2018 College of Arts & Sciences Research Support Award. Congratulations to Elizabeth! Link: https://www.…

Dr. Shantia Yarahmadian received 2018 Outstanding Graduate Mentor of the Year


Dr. Shantia Yarahmadian received the 2018 Outstanding Graduate Mentor of the Year. Congratulations to Dr. Yarahmadian! Link:

Sheida Riahi Received 2018 Graduate Student Research Symposium Overall Award


Our Graduate Student Sheida Riahi received the 2018 Graduate Student Research Symposium Overall Award in Physical, Mathematical, and Computational Science and Engineering. This award was given last night at the Graduate Student Award Banquet.…

Results from the 2017 Putnam exam are in for Mississippi State students


hile most Mississippi State students were studying for finals or getting some much-needed rest on Dec 2nd, 2017, Katherine Grafe, Robert Merrell, and Tom Zhang were getting up and coming into campus to take a 6-hour mathematics test. The Putnam…

Faculty Positions in Statistics: Applications are invited for one or more tenure-track mathematics positions beginning in Aug 2018


These positions have been filled. Applications are invited for one or more tenure-track positions (either at Assistant or Associate level) starting in Aug 2018. For all positions, the requirements include a doctoral degree or a doctoral degree…

Faculty Positions in Mathematics: Applications are invited for one or more tenure-track mathematics positions beginning in Aug 2018


The open positions have been filled. The Department of Mathematics and Statistics anticipates filling one or more tenure-track positions (Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor levels) beginning in August 2018. Mississippi State University is a…

Dr. Xu Zhang receives a Three-Year NSF Award


As a single PI, Dr. Xu Zhang is the recipient of a three-year NSF award entitled "Topics in Immersed Finite Element Methods". The grant will support a Ph.D. student in Mathematics. Congratulations to Dr. Zhang. Link:…

Results from the 2016 Putnam exam are in for Mississippi State students


While most Mississippi State students were studying for finals or getting some much needed rest on Dec 3rd, 2016, Katherine Grafe, Conner Griffin, Jeffrey Jones, and Tom Zhang were getting up and coming in to campus to take a 6 hour mathematics test…

Jianqing Fan presents Murray/Ollivier address


Dr. Jianqing Fan, Professor at Princeton University, today gave the first Murray/Ollivier address of 2016/2017 in Statistics at Mississippi State. His address discussed problems in analyzing "big data", a current topic that of practical…

Faculty members receive Arts & Sciences Awards


Dr. Corlis Johnson is awarded the College of Arts & Sciences Robert Wolverton Legacy Award. Mr. Robert Banik is nominated for the natural and physical science and math teaching Award. Congratulations!  

Msstate places 1st in LA/MS-wide team mathematics competition


On Saturday 2/18, Mississippi State undergraduates Katherine Grafe, Andrew Mehta, Rob Merrell, and Tom Zhang took first place in the team mathematics competition at the Louisiana and Mississippi Spring Sectional Meeting of the Mathematical…

Mississippi State University Department of Mathematics & Statistics to hire in statistics


This position has been filled. Mississippi State is hiring in the area of Statistics. See the full advertisement below, or visit to apply. Department of Mathematics and Statistics, College of Arts & Sciences,…