The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Mississippi State University was honored to host the 2024 – 2025 Murray/Ollivier Address on October 23, 2024, in Hand Lab 1144. This year’s distinguished lecture was delivered by Dr. Christian Genest, an eminent figure in the field of statistics and a Canada Research Chair at McGill University. The lecture, titled "The Birth of the Probability Calculus," explored the early origins of probability theory, focusing on the key contributions and figures that shaped the field during the 150 years preceding the publication of Laplace’s Analytic Theory of Probability in 1812.
The 2024 Murray/Ollivier Address marks the first in this lecture series since the COVID-19 pandemic. Previous speakers in this prestigious series include Professor Jianqing Fan of Princeton University in 2017 and Professor Chi-Wang Shu of Brown University in 2018.
The Murray/Ollivier Address, first established in 2006 through the generosity of Drs. Grace and Dean Boswell, honors the legacy of Spencer B. Murray and Arthur Ollivier, two faculty members in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at MSU. The endowment created in their memory supports this annual lecture series, bringing renowned scholars to campus to share their expertise in mathematics and statistics.
Dr. Genest, a leading researcher in the field of copulas and multivariate analysis, has made substantial contributions to statistics, with applications in finance, insurance, and hydrology. He is recognized for his outstanding work with numerous accolades, including the 2023 CRM-Fields-PIMS Prize and the 2020 John L. Synge Award from the Royal Society of Canada. Over the course of his career, he has published more than 250 papers and delivered over 300 invited talks worldwide, including numerous presentations accessible to a general audience.
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics is proud to continue the tradition of the Murray/Ollivier Address, which reflects the department's commitment to fostering excellence in mathematical and statistical research. Dr. Genest’s engaging lecture provided attendees with valuable insights into the fascinating history of probability theory, making this event a highlight of the academic year.
For more information about the Murray/Ollivier Annual Lecture Series and upcoming events, please visit the Department of Mathematics and Statistics website.